The AMP Lab is pleased to host the SoundBox audio archive, which is a node of the larger multi-million dollar SpokenWeb project. Recently, the SpokenWeb project has had several exciting developments.
First, two research assistants on the project, Caitlin Voth and Evan Berg, have been selected to design the branding for the international project, which includes designing the logo and promotional materials. One of the many great things about working on a research project is how it gives students an opportunity to showcase and be recognized for their skills, and Caitlin and Evan now have the amazing opportunity to have their work displayed internationally.
Secondly, two upcoming conference presentations will feature SpokenWeb members and the SoundBox collection. Our lab’s director and UBCO’s SpokenWeb PI Dr. Karis Shearer, along with two of our RA’s Megan Butchart and Amy Thiessen, will be presenting a research paper at the TEXT/SOUND/PERFORMANCE: Making in Canadian Space conference at University College Dublin in Ireland April 25-27, 2019. On this side of the pond, and a lot closer to home, the SpokenWeb project will also be featured at the 2019 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at UBC Vancouver where several scholars on the project–Dr. Karis Shearer (UBCO), Dr. Jodey Castricano (UBCO), Dr. Jason Camlot (Concordia), Deanna Fong (SFU), Mathieu Aubin (UBCO), and Cole Mash (SFU)–will be hosting a round-table event about the SoundBox collection. In addition to this event, there is also an interactive art installation planned for the conference, featuring Caitlin Voth and Evan Berg, that will engage with the SoundBox audio files.
Stay tuned for more SpokenWeb events coming soon!