By Paige Hohmann (UBCO Archivist & SpokenWeb Collaborator)
UBCO Archivist Paige Hohmann is the newest member to join the SpokenWeb UBCO team as a Collaborator. Here is her reflection on her time at the SpokenWeb Sound Institute:
“Attending the Spoken Web Sound Institute was an illuminating experience. As a collaborator new to this project, I couldn’t have asked for a better crash course. I learned many new things – seeing the challenges of manifesting multitudes of contexts in a unified metadata schema was of particular interest to me in my capacity as an archivist. Workshopping ways of supporting students in filling meaningful roles within complex research projects represented a valuable counterpoint to my own work as a supervisor of a dynamic student team. To sum — the Institute: energizing, timely, inspiring.”

Bio: As UBC Okanagan Library’s Archivist, Paige is responsible for taking care of UBCO’s Okanagan Special Collections and Archives, located in the Commons. Her key roles with Special Collections and Archives includes expanding the library’s rare and special book collection as well as developing and facilitating access to collected archival materials. In addition, Paige coordinates UBCO’s records management program in partnership with the Vancouver campus.
Paige’s research interests are archival appraisal, the intersections of archival diplomatics and rhetorical genre studies, and archival education for historical researchers.