By Yasaman Lotfizadeh (Lab manager) & Karis Shearer (Lab Director)
The AMP Lab community is pleased to welcome our newest research affiliate, Michael Treschow. An Associate Professor of English in the area of medieval literature, Michael is the Head of the Department of English and Cultural Studies. He is preparing a digital critical edition of the Old English Soliloquiorum in accordance with TEI guidelines and is working on enabling an interactive engagement between the digital facsimile and the critically edited text. Michael’s research interests include medieval translation, medieval interpretation of the Bible, the Exeter Book of Old English poetry, and medieval mystical writings.
Digital Critical Edition of the Old English Soliloquiorum
Michael’s project aims to make the Old English Soliloquiorum open and accessible to all who may want to engage with it in consultation with the British Library’s open access digital facsimile. Such people may include not only experts in Old English, but also non-expert readers with varied interests, such as early English literature, reception theory, the history of philosophy and theology, the evolution of English mysticism, pre-modern ideas of the individual, medieval trauma, and the history of the English language. The British Library has made freely available in digital facsimile this text’s manuscript (the Beowulf manuscript, Cotton Vitellius A.xv). This critical edition follows the manuscript format line by line, with hyperlink glosses for every word, facing page translation, and hyperlink commentary on the text’s paleography, syntax, semantics, and thought. It will be prepared in xml format in accordance with the protocols of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), to describe comprehensively the features of the manuscript.

We are excited to have Michael and his future research assistants joining us in the AMP Lab and to see our community of textual scholars growing! If you are interested in learning more about this exciting digital edition project and being notified of any future RAships, please get in touch with Michael directly or at our lab email: