By Lauren St Clair
As a new member of the SpokenWeb project at UBCO, I found attending the Sound Institute to be an insightful introduction to the project at large. The Lightning Talks, in particular, were helpful in introducing the research being done at other institutions a part of the SpokenWeb project. It was inspiring to see the variety of research and projects being worked on across the SpokenWeb community.
Coming into the project I had been interested in audio signal analysis and sound visualization, though, I was not sure where to begin. For me, the Audio Signal Analysis Task Force led by University of Texas at Austin Digital Humanities scholar Tanya Clement gave a thorough introduction I had been looking for, without being overwhelming.

The Sound Institute really emphasized the value of community and students to the project. I valued the opportunity to spend time with other students a part of SpokenWeb during the student dinner. I don’t think I would have connected with all the other students that I did if not for the student dinner. Moving forward while working on the UX research and development of the SoundBox Collection webpage at UBCO, community and the value of the student will be a priority in approaching the local project.

Lauren St. Clair is a BSc Computer Science candidate and incoming President of the Quantitative Science Course Union.